O topónimo “Caparica”, ao contrário daquilo que por vezes se
afirma, nada tem que ver com a ideia de “capa rica”. O nome resulta da existência
de um cabo (“Øqb” – “parte final”) de areia, lodo ou outro material macio (“rk”
– “ser mole, der macio”). Assim “aqaberik” deve ter evoluído para “qaberik” e
por fim para “qaperik”, com o significado de “ponta macia”, como referência ao
facto de a margem sul da foz do Tejo ser constituída por uma ponta de areias ou lodos, e não por rochas.
Extrato da folha nº 441-B da Carta
Militar de Portugal
Este mesmo radical “Øqb” ajudou à formação de um outro topónimo que ocorre na margem esquerda da foz dos rios: “cabedelo”, que deve provir precisamente de “Øqb” [acaba] e de “dll” [del]. O radical “Øqb” [acaba] é nosso
conhecido porque entre outras deu origem ao nosso verbo “acabar”, e em fenício
significa precisamente “chegar ao fim, acabar”, mas também na forma “cabo”
quando nos referimos ao fim de alguma coisa “dar cabo de”. Evidentemente
que a própria forma latina “caput”, que significa “cabo”, nasceu desta mesma
raiz. A
raiz “dll” [del] (ou “dl”), significa geralmente “ser fraco, ser pequeno, ser
insignificante”. Portanto neste caso trata-se de da mesma ideia dita de um modo ligeiramente diferente: "cabo fraco" em vez de "cabo mole".
Já agora convém referir que a raiz “Øqb” (acaba) foi
utilizada para designar locais onde a terra acabava em outros locais do velho
mundo. Veja-se por exemplo a “Aqaba” no extremo do golfo com o mesmo nome, no limite
norte do Mar Vermelho.
Actually, NO offence, the Jews NEED and MUST move on! They are the ONLY ethnic group that CRY 24-7 about Holocaust this and that and they DEMAND special treatment yet give NONE in return! They complain about their unfair treatment during WWII yet they treat the Palestinians like Garbage!
ResponderEliminarThe Jews were not the only ill treated group throughout history, look at the Spanish how they were treated by the Protestant English - the Protestants went as far as creating the Black Leyend and saying Spain killed Indigenous peoples when in Fact it was the exact opposite that Spain did! It is thanks to Spain that the Laws of India were created, the first and Only European country to do so, whereby the Indigenous populations were given EQUAL Rights as the Spanish in every aspect. The Protestant English Never did this! Also, Spain mixed and inter married with Indigenous populations creating MESTIZOS (mixed) the Protestant English NEVER did this!
The Fact of the matter is that the Protestant English massacred every Indigenous tribe were they set foot (along with the Portuguese and the French and Dutch) but to this day they still FALSELY teach young kids it was the Spanish who did this - Rubbish!
So Jews need to move on, they need to start treating others with the same love they want to receive. Only problem is that as soon as you say that to a Jew they start threatening you, they start with the YOU are anti-semitic talk and frankly, you can't reason with that level of Hate, sorry. Jews NEED to start cleaning up their act and fast if they want to be treated with an iota of respect from the un-blind world populous.
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You really are a big joker. Spain was a terrível colonizar and occupier!
Eliminarwhere did u learn tour history?
ResponderEliminarU're a joker!